
Project 2017

Visegrad-Armenia: “Rolan” International Film Festival as a Platform for Intercultural Dialogue
Автор: Zara




Participant Countries


Автор: Zara

Watch from 42:15

Watch from 48:42

Watch from 2:50


Автор: Zara

The 13th Rolan International Film Festival for Children and Youth was a total success, partly thanks to the special project Visegrad - Armenia organized by the Visegrad International Fund. Four Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary) presented ten movies, including the Oscar awarded Hungarian film "Sing". Representatives of film festivals (among them Juniorfest of the Czech Republic) and experienced filmmakers held workshops and discussions with young Armenian filmmakers and fans. It was planned to prepare one script as a result of these workshops, in the end there were five created! Maybe one of them will eventually find its way to the screen and to next edition of the festival? Who knows. Here are some pictures from the closing ceremony and other events.

Master class in Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography by Mr. Jerzy Moszkowicz
Автор: Zara
Presentation of Czech films in Siamanto school and Yerevak educational complex by Ms. Veronika Hansova
Автор: Zara
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