Honorable President of the Festival is Honoured Art Worker of Russia, Professor of VGIK, Armen Medvedev. President of the Festival is the Director of Armenian Rolan Bykov Foundation Nune Manukyan. There are children and professional adult juries working in competitive nominations of the Festival. Cultural, educational and social projects are implemented in the frames of the Festival. Each year more than 15 000 tickets are distributed among pupils of Yerevan and nearby regions’ schools on charitable basis. The Festival cooperates with international film organizations in Italy, Greece, Serbia, Russia, Republic of South Africa, India, Argentina, Latvia, Lithuania, Canada, Georgia, Iran etc., with festivals from different countries all over the world (Giffoni Film Festival in Italy, Giffoni Hollywood in the USA, Carousel Film Festival in Canada, “Nueva Mirada” in Argentina, “Alekino” Film Festival in Poland and others). Since 2001 Festival has also been cooperating with the Union of Cinematographers of Armenia, Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinema, Armenian-Russian (Slavonic) University, Yerevan State Pedagogical University, European Educational Regional Academy, Yerevan State University, Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov etc. In the frames of the Festival great number of events are organized: master classes (since 2001 more than 50), creative meetings (since 2001 more than 55), premiere screenings and discussions of new films (since 2001 more than 75), presentations (since 2001 more than 45), workshops (since 2001 more than 25), round-table discussions (since 2001 more than 10), concerts (since 2001 more than 5), exhibitions (since 2001 more than 7) for young cinematographers, students from different schools and Universities of RA. Festival catalogue is published in three languages: Armenian, English and Russian. The Festival has hosted a great number of well-known cinematographers such as: Karen Shakhnazarov – General Director of “Mosfilm” Concern (Russia), Boris Grachevsky – Art Director of “ERALASH” film magazine (Russia), Yuri Norshtein – famous animator (Russia), Athina Rikaki – Ex-president of CIFEJ (Greece), Miomir Rajcevic – Vice-President of CIFEJ (Serbia), Mireille Antoine – President of International Film Festival “VESNA” (France), Susanna Velleggia – President of International Film Festival for Children and Young People (Argentina), Jerzy Moszcowicz – President of International Young Audience Film Festival “Ale Kino!” (Poland), Veda Kumar Manikonda – President of International Film Festival in Hyderabad (India), David Cherkassky – Co-President of International Animation Film Festival “KROK” (The Ukraine), Alexander Gordon – famous TV journalist (Russia), Eduard Nazarov – Co-President of International Animation Film Festival “KROK” (Russia), Benjamin Francis – General Director of “Africa” Foundation and “Children's Museum” in Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), Tigran Qeosayan – film director, David Qeosayan – producer, Garry Bardin – director-animator, three times winner of “Nika” (Russia), Claudio Gubitosi – President of International Giffoni Film Festival (Italy), Alexander Petrov – animator, “Oscar” prize winner (Russia) etc. COMPETITIVE NOMINATIONS AND AWARDS OF THE FESTIVAL Grand Prix NON-COMPETITIVE SECTIONS OF THE FESTIVAL Panorama Screenings 9th International Film Festival for Children and Youth will take place in Yerevan on the 1-5th of November, 2013. |
Project 2024
Project 2023
Festival 2022
Festival 2021
Project 2020
Project 2019
Project 2018
Project 2017
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- Նատալիա Չերնիշևայի (Ուկրաինա) վարպետության դասը Մայակովսկու անվան հ․ 7 դպրոցում, 08.11.2019
- Ռեժիսոր Ելենա Կարետնիկը և պրոդյուսերներ Լեոնիդ Գուդկովը և Լարիսա Վելիչանսկայան (Ուկրաինա) հայ հանդիսատեսին ներկայացրեցին իրենց «Միայն Հրաշքը», կ/թ Մոսկվա, 07․11․2019
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- Director Mark Shlikhter and Producer Nicole Kellerhals (Germany) present their film "Alfons Jitterbit-Countdown to Chaos" to Armenian audience at Cinema House, 06․11․2019
- Ալեքսանդր Պետրովի (Ռուսաստան) հանդիպումը Սահակյանց անիմացիոն ստուդիայում, 06.11.2019
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- Creative meeting of Mark Schlichter and Nicole Kellerhals (Germany) in Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinema 07.11.2019
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